Yay!!! My first blog post!
Okay...so, Me and My Snuggy. We cuddle, it doesn’t care how much trashy TV or junk food I indulge in. We have a wonderful relationship, it completes me.
So, the name for my blog came to me while watching a Barney and Friends video for the billionth time (I have 3 nieces and a nephew all under 6), and the kids sing this song about a teddy bear and how it’s their best friend in the whole wide world. Kinda like me and my Snuggy. (Me and my Teddy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3ctXa3b5r0 . Skip to 2:15m).
My friend inspired me to start this blog (because she’s a great blogger herself), one night over great food and wine at Kitchen Gallery Poison (or was it L’Orignal?). We were talking about how I’ve been single for almost a year (it’s now been over a year, I’ve been thinking about this blog for a while...) and I wasn’t remotely ready to get back on the dating scene. And while there are so many dating blogs out there, and some really good ones, I had the idea of talking about my non-dating experiences and how that’s working for me in my search for a man...Kinda like “Don’t do as I do”, and hopefully I can learn from my own mistakes (about time!), or at least make people feel better as they realize they’re not as bad as some other women....
So here it is. I’m starting from the very beginning.
I was dating a guy for 6 years, and finally had the courage to end it, despite enormous fears of dying alone. I figured that in my last moments, I’d rather be in peace than with someone that gets on my fucking nerves. I was petrified of being the “bad guy”, I didn’t wanna deal with his pain, I was waiting for him to break up with me. But, I got tired of waiting, so I did it.
He agreed with me that our relationship wasn’t going anywhere. And, I was PISSED!!! It was NOT ok for him to be ok with the breakup. At that moment, I wanted him to scream and bang shit, and certainly not sit there and hug me and tell me he understood why I was doing it. So, we decided to stay friends. We actually saw each other a couple of times since the break up, I had the pleasure of meeting his new girlfriend, Yay....
He calls me once a while to catch up. But, the anger came pouring out a couple of months ago, and the tears too, when I realized I should probably get back on the dating scene, and that I still wasn’t AT ALL ready.
And the finger pointing began. I blamed him for all the shit he put me through over six years. I blamed my friends for facilitating our getting back together after our first break-up. I blamed myself for having wasted so much time in a dead-en relationship and let him get away with what should have been deal breakers. So, I took a dating hiatus, still in progress today.
Now, he calls and I ignore him. And he calls back, and back again. I have to break up with him all over again, and tell him I don’t want to be his friend.
But, BUT! As of right now, right this minute, I’m putting all that stuff behind me.
We have fun times ahead, me and my Snuggy :)
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